Welcome To wings of grace children ministries

wings of grace children ministries

wings of grace children ministries


I thank God for saving us in this accident.

I thank God for saving us in this accident.

As I was from work , the vehicle lost it's brakes and according to the speed it was , the Driver lost his Control. But mostly in thank God that no one got injuries. 

I am requesting  you all our dear brothers and sisters to stand with me to buy land for the orphanage.

I am requesting you all our dear brothers and sisters to stand with me to buy land for the orphanage.

It has been and it's a hard time for me to pay rent since it's much money yet the Children still have more needs. I have been suggesting to seek some money that the orphanage may have a land and at least 3 rooms on it where the children can rest from.  The reason for is , if an orphanage is constructed,  The remaining land can be used to grow food for the orphanage, therefore they will be no rent and no lack of food for the orphans.  It would be a happy time for both me and the orphans. God bl...

happy time for the orphans

happy time for the orphans

They sometimes go to play after lunch

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